This project will look at new ways in which colour is used in Graphic design and how the use of colour can be re-appropriated to suit people who suffer from colour vision deficiency. The purpose of designing with the color deficient in mind is to completely reexamine the existing inconsistent color-designing procedure that tends to increase the number of colors unnecessarily, establish an order of priority for information elements to be conveyed, and create designs that take into account the impressions and psychological effects they may give to the receiver of the information. .

Sunday, 6 June 2010

A test of Chroma with a colour blind person

Just a quick film of Chroma being tested out by Guy who is green/red colour deficient. He said he could organise the socks easily using the lenses and the bead system and mentioned that it was very helpful. I am really happy about this as i would like to keep the project on going and look further into ways in which design can benefit colour vision deficiency.

Final poster:

I have printed the final poster in A2. I have designed the photograph to show the movement of the object.

book layouts and poster finished:

These are the final designs for the book layout.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

A few layout designs in progress:

The square shape with the inverse rounded corners mimic the design of Ishihara's colour blind test book. The book is hardback perfect bound and the pages will all be placed onto the black card the book is bound with.

I am also going to design two posters to go along with the product.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Photo shoot: before photoshopping

Yesterday I took all the photos that will go into my book, I need to adjust some of them and choose the right ones but overall I am very happy with them. The model is also translating a few things into Japanese for me for the poster and parts of the book.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Typography addition to the shelving:

I have sectioned each part of Chroma in order to make it easier to distinguish colour. The colours that have been placed together are:

Green and Yellow
Red and Blue
Violet and Orange

With two sections underneath for the monochromes. I ordered individual vinyl stickers (in the sentences that I wanted) for this process as they are more reliable than letraset.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Chroma is finished!

I have completely finished my making now and all that needs to be done is the addition of vinyl cut lettering on the interior of each section.

Saturday, 29 May 2010


Beginnings of my book to go alongside Chroma. I am going to create the pages by printing each page in squares and create a Ishihara style layout. Each page of the book will use mounting corners and then I will design semicircles to be placed over to make it more secure and give it the right shape and effect.

One more day and I will be ready to add the typography to Chroma....

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

second day of making

Today the shelves went in, each shelving unit will hold a particular colour from the hue pattern. Tomorrow will be more sanding ans spray painting, it will all be painted white and will include black labelling.

I also purchased two colour lenses that will help the colour blind determine colours from each other to make it easier to put socks away.